Bootcamp 2 – Financials Advanced


This in-person session is a must  if you are separating and trying to work out a fair property settlement. 

This is a 1 hour session includes a question and answer period, and explains the more complicated aspects of dividing family assets/debts, including:

  • how to handle assets pensions;
  • about RRSP’s/LIRA's and tax implications;
  • how to deal with jointly owned assets;
  • about pre-acquired/ inherited assets;
  • about  The Family Property Act Accountings and References;

NOTE:  Due to time constraints,  this seminar  DOES NOT  cover basic financial issues such as establishing incomes, monthly expenses, and valuation of basic assets/debts.  This basic information is covered in our “Financial Basics” Module ( which can be done either Online or In-Person).  To get the most out of Bootcamp 2 – you are urged to  complete  “Financial Basics” in advance. 


Other recommended Modules to help you:

