The People's Corner Legal Options is a legal services company established by lawyers to help people deal with legal issues effectively and economically. We believe that getting informed, understanding your options, and resolving legal disputes should not cost a fortune. We offer a wide variety of reliable, affordable, and fair options for dealing with law-related matters, including:
Convenient Online Modules & In-Person Legal Seminars that explain the law, your rights, our court system, and where to start with your legal matter. Access reliable legal information, when you need it, without the stress and costs associated with hiring a lawyer!
Our intensive Separation & Divorce Bootcamp is vital if you are dealing with separation and need to understand your rights, where to start, and about resources for your family.
Power of Attorney Services we provide full or limited Power of Attorney Services for property and personal care, including on a temporary/respite basis. Avoid conflict, reduce stress, and protect your best interests.
Dispute Mediation is an excellent option for families dealing with separation or estate matters. We get parties together quickly and engage in a legal-based conference/dialogue aimed at resolving issues and preserving relationships. This lawyer-led process offers a fast and informal way to address urgent issues and avoid expensive litigation.
The People's Corner Court is a binding process where parties lead evidence and argue their case in a court-like setting. The costs are shared, the judge's decision is binding, and the parties get the certainty of knowing their costs beforehand, that their matter was resolved fairly, expeditiously, and in accordance with the law.
Our specialized Legal Coaching Sessions are excellent resources for people coping with high conflict family, parenting, and consumer rights, and other legal-based issues.
Customized Corporate Workshops keep staff and clients informed, promote staff wellness, and help build client relationships.
Legal Options is an alternative and supplement to traditional legal services.
Legal Options is peace of mind.
All legal information and training provided by The People’s Corner Legal Options is of a general nature only. We do not provide and are not a substitute for legal advice. Legal advice for your specific matter can only be provided by a qualified lawyer in an individualized setting, with consideration of all relevant facts. If you need legal advice or wish to retain a lawyer contact: The People’s Corner Law Office at (204)691-5969 or
© 2017 The People’s Corner® Legal Options