Appealing a Court of Queen’s Bench Order


This Online Learning Module explores what is involved in:

  • Appealing a court order;
  • the difference between appealing and staying a court order;
  • things to consider when contemplating filing an appeal;
  • filing requirements.

Focus will be on Appeals of Orders of The Court of Queen’s Bench.

This module is most helpful to anyone considering appealing an order.

See also:


  • Online Registration
  • no
Registration Type

Online Registration





This online learning module explores what is in involved in:

  • appealing a court order;
  • the difference between appealing and staying a court order;
  • things to consider when contemplating filing an appeal;
  • filing requirements.

Focus will be on Appeals of Orders of The Court of Queen’s Bench.

This module is most helpful to anyone considering appealing an order.

The cost of this module is $100.00. Registration is online.